On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 22:57:48 +0100, Dominic wrote:

>Hi together, in special plugin developers ;)
>We currently are in the situation, that a user just sees the
>Geany-Plugins version when reporting bugs [1] but in the plugin manager
>in Geany just sees the version of the plugin itself. This might be
>confusing when the user doesn't remember which version of Geany-Plugins
>he actually has installed.
>Some plugins already have the same version as Geany-Plugins. This isn't
>that good anymore when a new plugin arrives in the Geany-Plugins
>project. Imagine before joining Geany-Plugins the version was 0.0.3 and
>after joining it directly jumps to 0.21. Here are some alternate

I don't see a problem here.
In fact, I propose to do exactly this: all plugins of the combined
geany-plugins releases should have the version of the geany-plugins
release itself. Everything else would just cause confusion, IMO.

>* change the version string for each plugin, e.g. 0.0.1-gp0.20

IMO way too complicated.

>* change the text in the description (something like "this is foobar
>0.0.1 brought to you by Geany-Plugins 0.20")

Brrr, nonono.


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