On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 15:51:24 +1000
Lex Trotman <ele...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [...]
> > Due the huge number of contributors at the plugins project and the,
> > well quiet often broken build, a more decentralized process would be
> > good for the plugins. We talked about this a couple of days ago
> > inside IRC and we came to that point, that it would be might useful
> > to make more usage of branches and only merge to trunk, when its
> > apply correct and build is not broken and some other points of
> > policy is met - Well I'm imagine a bit the Linux Kernel development
> > model even of course the plugins are not that big - not yet ;)
> Only a minor change to your new name, Frank Linus?
> > This could be done on svn its a bit a more complicated so maybe a
> > git (or brz, hg) would be useful here. But this is something for
> > post-21-plugins release.
> Yes, with DVCS each plugin can have its own repository and the Geany
> project only needs to manage the aggregated build.  

Yes, this was the outcome on IRC. So once a feature is ready/bug has
been fixed a pull request is send to maintainer who is including them
into his/her tree. Once this has been done a snapshot of that tree
will be the release. 

> The rule would be
> like the Linux one, don't break Franks tree :-)

;) Yepp.

> Looks like the policy needs include 64 bit test builds (at least until
> the int/pointer errors go away).

I agree. I'd like to have also some tests on PPC and IA64. At least a
PPC (G4 or G5 Mac) I have here (only I need is somebody who is able to
set it up....) 


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