On Mon, 07 Nov 2011 17:51:38 -0800, Matthew wrote:

>On 11/07/2011 02:28 PM, Enrico Tröger wrote:
>> On Mon, 07 Nov 2011 01:00:49 -0800, Matthew wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> I actually have a plugin I've been working on that does exactly
>>> that. It's a really simplified search bar that pops-up under the
>>> editor window and it's basically a clone of Firefox's find bar.
>>> The only
>> In what way this is better than the search field in the toolbar?
>> Just curious.
>Navigation (next/prev), highlighting all matches, and case-sensitive 
>matching (not sure toolbar search supports these?).  It's basically 
>somewhere between the find dialog and the toolbar search field 
>feature-wise, but in a "better" location ... right below the the
>editor where your attention is probably already focused, and it can be
>shown and hidden with keybindings.

Ok, got it :).
The toolbar search indeed doesn't support most of these features, it is
really intended as a super quick search, case-insensitive and easy.
Though focussing, backward srarching and highlighting all matches is
possible with existing keybindings.
Nevertheless, your plugin seems to fill another gap, so just release it
to the wild!



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