my plans for this season-
well, this will be my first season where i really have enough animals to
have real hopes of producing some numbers.  i've got 6 crested geckos and
i really cant wait to see what kinds of babies i get from them, since i've
got a grab-bag of morphs.  the only egg im sitting on right now is a
single uroplatus phantasticus egg, although i plan on getting some more so
hopefully ill be able to get more eggs, but this one is due for next
month.  i've got a trio of uroplatus pietschmanni that im really hoping
will breed, hopefully the past 7 months or so have acclimated my male
enough to breed soon.  unfortunately, i just recently lost my male u.
henkeli leaving a lone female.  im keeping my eyes open for a new male,
but its been tough with some ridiculously inflated prices on them lately. 
hopefully no more seemingly plump and healthy individuals will fall ill on
me again.  and hopefully one day ill run across a CB female u.
phantasticus to pair up with one of my males that hatched last year.  what
would be better than that would be if the egg im waiting on right now
turned out female!  it's still a long way to maturity but that means ill
be able to eventually work on some F2 phantasticus!  only time will


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