
I'm new to this list so forgive me if this topic is over and done with.
(I searched list and could not find recent threads concerning this.)

To be able to reuse schematics and layout between projects, it would be
great if it was possible to divide the project hierarchically in an easy
manner. I read in the gschem manual that you would have to create a
symbol with the correct name and place it with the schematics, but this
methodology might change later. This sounds reasonable, but not very
user-friendly. I haven't tried because I couldn't figure out how the
connectors should be created and so on. Would it be possible to have a
menu item that said "Make this schematic a symbol" and then have the
program figure out how many inputs and outputs you have on the
schematics and create the appropriate symbol?
Or maybe you could even mark a portion of you toplevel schematics and
"push" it down to a subschem?

I have done some ASIC layout before and I like the way everything is a
cell and you don't need to draw a buffer every time you need one. It
would be nice to be able to do this seamlessly in pcb too. I see a few
issues that might need some clever thinking.

        Refdes are unique in the netlist, but if you start adding a
        bunch of copies of a schematics, you would either need to
        regenerate refdes when you convert to netlist or refdes needs to
        reflect their hierarchically context - could be something like
        numbering the instances of subschems and put that in the name of
        components R1_1 and R2_1 would point to the same resistor in two
        different instances of the subschem, but then you get some very
        ugly part-lists and you still need to teach pcb to support this
        scheme. (It's no problem in layout because you just run LVS and
        either it matches or it doesn't.)
        Sometimes you might want to have a slightly different hierarchy
        in pcb compared to schem, then all the ?.pcb.new stuff gets
        really tricky. Maybe you can just sometimes ignore the ?.pcb.new
        and rely on the netlist checker.
        Should subcircuits/cells be mixed in between the components in
        the lib toolbox?
Another thing I think could be really cool was a common techfile for the
projects. When I do pcb's I fabricate them on my own, so I need more
copper than most of the standard footprints provide. At some point I
might want to send my design to a professional and then I would need
different footprints and different drc rules. The techfile could contain
all the informations needed for a certain manufacturer and it might be a
convenient place to store paths and stuff to share between geda tools.
Some of the things I would store in the file:

drc rules, drill sizes, allowed grid snap sizes, path to footprints,
path to spice models, path to symbols, name of manufacturer and so on.

I don't think of the techfile as the project file, which contains
informations of schematic locations, pcb name and so forth. It should be
process/manufacture specific informations and essentially read-only. I
was thinking it might be a xml file, so it would be easy to read.

I hope I don't offend any of the hard working developers by thinking out


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