Harry -

These are very welcome additions to PCB. (6) especially will save me literally hours of manual checking.


Joe T

Harry Eaton wrote:

Unfortunately, I have family commitments so I won't be able to participate in the code sprint. I have been sprinting on my own quite a bit recently solving the long-standing problem of dead copper in polygons. I have alpha-quality code up on sourceforge now and it could use some testing, so if you're fairly skilled with pcb and would like to help find all the new bugs I know must be lurking, give it a spin. It's in a cvs branch tag named

Some features it has:
(1) Gerbers are always positive-only, which should increase the number of fab vendors that are happy with them. (2) Thermals can be diagonal or horizontal/vertical or solid to the plane (shift-click with the thermal tool to cycle through the styles) (3) Thermal fingers are user-editable. Treat them like normal lines in the layout. (4) Any "dead" copper in polygons is automatically removed. Select "check polygons" in the settings to view an outline of removed copper) (5) The rats-nest will no longer believe objects connected to polyogn islands are still connected to the polygon.
(6) Thermal fingers are checked for DRC violations.

There is still a little work to be done to complete the DRC code, but it should mostly be functional.

There is no need to concentrate on testing the features above - the changes affected many areas of the code, so bugs may well exist in operations that appear to be unrelated to these features.


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