Yes, I must have meant auto-place, which is a feature I have yet to try.

Right. So the toner transfer method sounds like the one I ought to try. Is
it fairly accurate for two sided boards? I'm assuming you guys mostly make
two sided boards, so I suppose that's a yes, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
And while I'm thinking of it: how do you drill accurate 1mm holes? A drill
press? If that's how it needs to be done, I happen to live next to a machine
shop, so I can probably ask them to drill the holes.

Ok. Judging by the responses I've received so far, it wouldn't be terribly
tedious to create my own footprints. I guess I'll have to make my own for
several of the components involved. Speaking of which: when I edit component
attributes while making schematics (I was trying out gEDA this weekend) I
noticed that the footprint attribute has to be edited "by hand" (as far as I
know, anyway). For instance, if I need a PCB outline for a resistor, I need
to set footprint to R025. Wouldn't it be easier to have a menu one could
select footprints from? Along those lines, if I want to see what footprints
are available by default, can I look at them in PCB or gerbv? If so, where
are they (I should probably RTFM, but you guys have been really great, so
I'll ask :-D).


"Windows [n.]
A thirty-two bit extension and GUI shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight
bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor and sold
by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition."

* JDP :)  *

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