--- Craig Niederberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. Is it possible when autorouting traces in PCB to
> have some automatically
> set to one set of thicknesses, drill hole sizes,
> etc. and others
> automatically set to another set of thicknesses,
> drill hole sizes, etc?  Or
> must I always select traces by hand to be autorouted
> to a specific set of
> thicknesses, drill hole sizes, etc?

Yes, you can assign a route style to each net. This is
normally done in the netlist file. The format is:

netname [stylename] elname-pinnum elname2-pinnum ...

where [] means an optional entry.
You can manually edit your netlist file to add styles
to each net. The autorouter honors each net's style
including thickness, via characteristics and keepaway.

> 2. I noticed in examining the PCB design after
> autorouting that extra
> "nubbins" occasionally appeared on traces.  I
> deleted these by hand, which
> was somewhat painstaking.  I also noticed one
> unconnected trace--it went
> almost all the way to the pad, but didn't connect. 
> I fixed that by hand.
> Has anyone else experienced these occasional
> oddities?

I introduced the bug that caused the fail to connect
some time back, but it fixed it in December. The
latest snapshot release should never go almost all the
way but fail to connect. It should leave a lot fewer
nubbins (perhaps none) as well.  DJ's optimizer might
be able to automatically remove the nubbins.

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