Hello guys,
I have a syntax error in pcb when I load a .pcb file and I would like
some advice on how to fix it. 
I have gEDA gschem  20050313-1 and pcb 1.99j+20050127-2
When I run gsch2pcb projectrc I get

stdin17: m4: Bad expression in eval: /4
repeated a ton of times. It still manages to create a .pcb file. When I
load it in pcb, I get the following error message:

ERROR parsing file 'ct.pcb'
line 40
description 'syntax error'
cat: write error: Broken pipe

I include my .pcb file and the pcb-elements file taken from luciani.org.
I presume that the usb connector element was  used before, so I am
wondering if there may be a version incompatibility problem. Any ideas
on how to fix the syntax error?
On a side note, do you guys know of a live linux CD that has the latest
version of the gEDA tools on it?

--------excerpt of .pcb file---------------------
Element(0x00 "0805" "R20" "unknown" 0 0 80 0 3 100 0x00)
        ElementLine(-60 -45 -60 45 10)
            ElementLine(-60 45 60 45 10)
            ElementLine(60 45 60 -45 10)
            ElementLine(60 -45 -60 -45 10)

        Pad(-32 -17 
                -32 17
                36 20 42 "1" "1" 0x00000100)
            Pad(32 -17 
                32 17
                36 20 42 "2" "2" 0x00000100)


# retain backwards compatibility to older versions of PKG_DIL 
# which did not have 100,60,28 args

Element(0x00 "DIP8" "U8" "unknown" 220 100 3 100 0x00)
        Pin(50 50 60 28 "1" 0x101)
        Pin(50 150 60 28 "2" 0x01)
        Pin(50 250 60 28 "3" 0x01)
        Pin(50 350 60 28 "4" 0x01)
        Pin(350 350 60 28 "5" 0x01)
        Pin(350 250 60 28 "6" 0x01)
        Pin(350 150 60 28 "7" 0x01)
        Pin(350 50 60 28 "8" 0x01)
        ElementLine(0 0 0 400 10)
        ElementLine(0 400 400 400 10)
        ElementLine(400 400 400 0 10)
        ElementLine(0 0 150 0 10)
        ElementLine(250 0 400 0 10)
        ElementArc(200 0 50 50 0 180 10)
        Mark(50 50)

--------element  file---------------------
Element[0x0 "CON_USB_TYPEB__Keystone_924" "" "" 23700 59000 0 -7000 0
100 0x0]
   Pin[18800 59000 6600 2000 8600 4600 "" "1" 0x01]
   Pin[28600 59000 6600 2000 8600 4600 "" "2" 0x01]
   Pin[28600 51200 6600 2000 8600 4600 "" "3" 0x01]
   Pin[18800 51200 6600 2000 8600 4600 "" "4" 0x01]
   Pin[0 40500 13000 2000 13000 11000 "" "5" 0x01]
   Pin[47400 40500 13000 2000 13000 11000 "" "6" 0x01]
   ElementLine[0 34500 0 0 1000]
   ElementLine[0 0 47400 0 1000]
   ElementLine[47400 0 47400 34500 1000]
   ElementLine[0 46500 0 64000 1000]
   ElementLine[0 64000 47400 64000 1000]
   ElementLine[47400 64000 47400 46500 1000]
  Transistor Toaster

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