It looks like pcb does not like in the .pcb files lines starting with

> > PKG_CON_USB_TYPEB__Keystone_924(CON_USB_TYPEB__Keystone_924,U9,unknown) 
> > <<<<<<<<<LINE40
> I'm not sure, but is that  a conflict marker from a CVS update?
I added the <<<<<< myself in the email just to point out the line
> What version of PCB do you have installed?
It was written in my email 1.99j+200580127-2

> Say, for example you have PCB installed under /usr/local
> what does the following command produce?
> grep "<<<<<" /usr/local/share/pcb/m4/* -R
It produced no output.

> Coming to fixing the PCB file, try deleting this line:
> PKG_CON_USB_TYPEB__Keystone_924(CON_USB_TYPEB__Keystone_924,U9,unknown) 
> <<<<<<<<<LINE40
I changed the footprint to a SIP4 which eliminated the line. The pcb
progrm found the same kind of error on line 88 of .pcb with  "PKG_SO14
(SO14, U7, unknown)".  I do need however those footprints. The beef I
have here is that SO14 is not a custom made footprint, it comes prebuilt
with the software.
> I wounder: does re-running gsch2pcb re-create that fault? It might be
> left over from another failed execution.
I erased the .pcb files generated by gsch2pcb each time.

Could the PKG commands in .pcb be a new one that is not supported by my
version of pcb? 
I am running of a live Knoppix DVD so I could not mess the config files
  Transistor Toaster

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