On Jun 23, 2007, at 8:06 PM, John Luciani wrote:
>>>>    I have two physically adjacent 0805-package resistors for which
>>>> pin 1 is to be connected together.  When I start a trace from pin 1
>>>> of the first resistor, it won't let me bring it anywhere near pin 1
>>> Yeah, this drove me nuts when I first started using PCB.  Hit 'o' to
>>> optimize the ratsnest, then draw the line.  PCB doesn't really  
>>> "know"
>>> anything about what the netlist means until there's a ratsnest.  You
>>> can hide it visually if you don't want to see it.
>>    This isn't that..(been using PCB for years)...I've optimized the
>> rat's nest, and in fact just did it again.  Further, when I bring up
>> the netlist window, I do see the expected entry.
> Try turning off the pads display to see if there is any copper  
> remaining under
> the pad. If there is  copper under the pad you will not be able to  
> connect
> if PCB is set to enforce design rule clearance.

   Nope, no copper turds under the pads.  Good thing to check, though.


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL

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