    I'm trying to put the gschem-gsch2pcb-pcb-gerbv tool flow onto my 
MacBook.  Following http://www.ghz.cc/charles/fink/ everything seems to 
go smoothly, and pcb and gerbv seem to start up OK.  gschem is not 
happy, however. The menus are broken pictures, the status box is full of 
"Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item", and the 
terminal windows contains these messages:

Probably parenthesis mismatch in /sw/etc/gEDA/system-gschemrc
Most recently read form: ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (build-path geda-rc-path 
Failed to read init scm file [(null)/gschem.scm]
Tried to get an invalid color: 0
Loading schematic [/Users/dave/untitled_1.sch]
Tried to get an invalid color: 0
Tried to get an invalid color: 7
Tried to get an invalid color: 0
Tried to get an invalid color: 7

So... I'm new to this whole fink thing (Slackware user transitioning to 
Gentoo) so while I know this is a lame question, I need a clue as to 
where to dig next.


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