On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 20:08:05 -0400, Stuart Brorson wrote:

> It's biggest problem is that it doesn't use the guile stuff to read all
> the Scheme RC files.  Instead, it uses its own logic, which tries to be
> the same as the Scheme stuff.  Therefore, although it does a good job in
> emulating the action of libgeda in reading your design in, some
> discrepancies might appear at the margins.

Which should better be avoided. If I hand out a copy of a schematic to 
someone else, I expect it to render exactly the same on his screen.

But isn't the latest version of gschem itself almost capable to pull the 
stunt? The new library dialog shows a tab with all syms used in this 
particular schematic. Why not grab this list and use the library search 
tools of the running gschem to find the syms. A separate app like 
garchive is in danger to lag behind changes in the way libs are dealt 
with. This adds to the amount of non-trivial side effects.

Kai-Martin Knaak

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