> Why don't we simply write a script, that will collect all the symbols used in
> a schematic file, copies it to the local directory, and we're done. Everything
> would remain compatible, and you had all your things in your project
> directory.

Actually, that script already exists.  It's called "garchive", and
lives in the utils dir.

It was envisioned to be a project archiver, allowing you to create a
single file from your gschem project (it doesn't support PCB) with all
symbols placed in a local directory which is also tarred up along with
the schemaitcs into a signle project archive file.

It's biggest problem is that it doesn't use the guile stuff to read
all the Scheme RC files.  Instead, it uses its own logic, which tries
to be the same as the Scheme stuff.  Therefore, although it does a
good job in emulating the action of libgeda in reading your design in,
some discrepancies might appear at the margins.

Also, I haven't fiddled with the program in several years. There might
have been some bit-rot in the intervening years due to changes in


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