Guys -

On Wed, Nov 07, 2007 at 11:35:18AM -0500, Al Davis wrote:
> Is Sun's Java system completely GPL?
> ... quick check ... Sun's Java is available in Debian as "non-free".
> It's not enough for [kjwaves] to be GPL.  All of the dependencies
> must be free.

Al, I fully agree with your definitions.

Java is in transition to becoming fully Free.
Debian seems to be lagging (as usual).  There are Ubuntu and Fedora
builds already.  There is recent news about cooperation between Sun
and the IcedTea project.
So the future is bright for Free Java -- and by extension for Free
projects written in Java -- even if it's not practical right now.

> If I find a simple change I can make that makes my system work for more 
> people, I do it.  Making kjwaves work on GNU Java is such a change.

Beyond that, code quality is generally improved by making it portable
and standards-compliant.  I encourage Kurt Peters to try harder to
make kjwaves work with non-Sun Java, or at least delineate specifically
what features/bugs make that difficult.

   - Larry

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