On Wednesday 07 November 2007 07:21, KURT PETERS wrote:
> 1.  Clearly, you didn't do the one thing I told you to do then, to
> actually run it -- which is to run it with Sun's JRE 1.5 or higher. 
> This is documented with the distribution.   From your comments about
> what a serious viewer can do, you clearly haven't tried it, since
> many of those ARE supported. Can the other released tools do all of
> those?

I am not comparing programs.  I just stated what we need.  It's a need 
that is currently unmet.

> 2.  It is under GPL, so clearly, you didn't read the license either.

Is Sun's Java system completely GPL?

... quick check ... Sun's Java is available in Debian as "non-free".

It's not enough for it to be GPL.  All of the dependencies must be free.

> 3. You can follow the standard java BUILD procedure of JAVAC, so I
> don't know what's not standard about that.  I also include the entire
> netbeans project on sourceforge for someone to compile that way as
> well.  That being said, since it's platform independent, you don't
> need to compile it. Humerous that you talk about a convenient build
> procedure, when few people can get the other viewer to compile on
> their distributions.

gwave has a problem.  I never denied that.  Remember, I was stating a 
need, not comparing to an alternative.  Not a criticism, but an 

GPL requires source, not byte-code.

In my own projects, I pay attention to older compilers, trying to make 
the scope as wide as possible.  I avoid new language features that are 
not well supported.  Often the discussion comes up about what old 
versions of libraries to support.

If I find a simple change I can make that makes my system work for more 
people, I do it.  Making kjwaves work on GNU Java is such a change.

> 4. As for working with gnucap, it was never intended to work with
> gnucap; it was made to work with ngspice.  Last time I checked, most
> universities still use SPICE in their curiculum -- check latest
> edition of Sedra and Smith, for instance.  I am considering adding
> gnucap support, but haven't seen that request yet on the sourceforge.

They don't use NGspice.  The use a proprietary derivative that comes 
with the text.

Gnucap is here, and in need of your help.  For me to consider kjwaves, 
it must work with gnucap.  It must really work with it, not just 
in "compatibility mode".  No key ngspice developers are on this list.  
They may lurk, but they never post.  They do not participate in gEDA.

I really would like to be able to use kjwaves.  As it stands today, I 

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