On Nov 7, 2007, at 9:04 AM, John Griessen wrote:

> Steve Meier wrote:
>> One could argue that that is why we have guile scripts. If you have a
>> reasonable api access to the libgeda structures you should be able  
>> ask
>> complicated questions about the completness of a design.
>> So a drc2 type scripts ships with geda but it can be moddified for in
>> house requirements.
>> geda is very good about allowing the definition of new attributes.

Indeed. I commonly use a spec= attribute for additional specs not  
captured by device= and value=, like "1%" or "X5R 50WVDC".

>> So
>> adding an attribute named multiOF and another named multiPart can be
>> done at the configuration scripts with zero need to recompile the c
>> code.
> So, do we just need more documentation of this and examples and
> templates?

Better documentation of the Guile libgeda API would certainly be  
helpful. At the moment, existing examples are the best reference.

If you want a rule engine for DRC, it should be pretty easy to write  
something that will grind Guile data structures that transparently  
represent rules. After all, rule-based AI as long been a Lisp  

> John Griessen
> -- 
> Ecosensory   Austin TX
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