On Tue, 2007-11-20 at 22:38 -0500, Ian Chapman wrote:
> Many thanks Peter for the offer.  I would like to accept.
>       I am using Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn which is my first serious effort
> into Linux.  This release is only a few months old.  I guess that there
> is not too much change between Gutsy and Feisty?

I've been using Gutsy since its development was forked, so can't really
comment on its differences.. I've evolved with them.

Al is right though, you can upgrade between the versions if you've got a
fast Internet connection.

>       I like its stability and speed after XP but I am not expert at
> understanding what all the helpers are talking about.  The .deb files I
> have installed to get the Firefox 64 plugins working not too difficult.
> Printers are total gibberish to me cups, foomatic and gutenprint and I
> eventually found where it put the driver.  Now Open office word prints
> and that's all that can print.

OT Answer, but have you seen this cups page: http://localhost:631/
(The cups server lets you manage it via a local web page. I'm not sure
how Feisty compares, but printers "just working" should be getting
better and better).

I like CUPS.. I can (with the config files) set it to allow printing to
any of my departments huge number of printers by connecting to their
CUPS server. I will admit its tricky to get right at first though.
Contact me off list if you've still got printing issues (e.g. from
gEDA), and I'll see if I can help.

>       I would be really pleased to try your .deb file.  I think that would be
> simpler than updating Ubuntu and being frustrated by plugins and print
> drivers again.

Its not going to work out of the box, I think you'll need to compile it.
I've put the debian package bits online at:


You will also need the PCB sources "pcb-20070912.tar.gz" from here:

Rename this file "pcb_20070912.orig.tar.gz"

Make a directory for sources, and put the above files in it.

Start off by getting some packages necessary to build:
apt-get install build-essential intltool dpkg-dev fakeroot dpatch libgd2-xpm-dev

And to get extra stuff for PCB:
apt-get build-dep pcb
(Although this is not the new version's build depends, it will be close)

>From the sources directory, unpack the sources with this command:
dpkg-source -x pcb_20070912-1CUED2.dsc

cd into the unpacked directory (I think it will be pcb-20070912 or
something similar)

and start the build process:
dpkg-buildpkg -us -uc -rfakeroot

If it complains about missing build dependencies, apt-get install them

Once the build process finishes, "cd .." out of the source dir, and
you'll find the .deb file "pcb_20070912-1CUED2_i386.deb"

Install that with:
dpkg --install pcb_20070912-1CUED2_i386.deb

You may wish to dpkg --install the attached
electronics-menu_0.1.0_all.deb too. It adds an "Electronics" category to
the main menu. This is pretty architecture independent, as its only
config files - so you ought not to need to rebuild it.

Let me know where along the build process this breaks, as I'm bound to
have forgotten something!

Best wishes,

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

Attachment: electronics-menu_0.1.0_all.deb
Description: application/deb

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