On Wed, 2007-21-11 at 13:11 -0500, al davis wrote:
> On Tuesday 20 November 2007, Ian Chapman wrote:
> >        I am using Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn which is my first
> > serious effort into Linux.  This release is only a few months
> > old.  I guess that there is not too much change between Gutsy
> > and Feisty?
> >
> >         I like its stability and speed after XP but I am not
> > expert at understanding what all the helpers are talking
> > about.  The .deb files I have installed to get the Firefox 64
> > plugins working not too difficult. Printers are total
> > gibberish to me cups, foomatic and gutenprint and I
> > eventually found where it put the driver.  Now Open office
> > word prints and that's all that can print.
> >
> >         I would be really pleased to try your .deb file.  I
> > think that would be simpler than updating Ubuntu and being
> > frustrated by plugins and print drivers again.
> On Debian (and I assume Ubuntu also) you can update without 
> reinstalling ...
Hi Al, you are right.  I should update and it is easy in Ubuntu since
the update manager has a button Upgrade.  It would have been really
simple and fast only error 404 at nearly the end "failed to fetch
same for binary, sources and non free source".  Feisty is the current distro 
and should I not be getting Gutsy the new distro?  The site seems to be up and 
alive, just needs a little tweak; I guess I should try again tomorrow.  Regards 
> First edit the file /etc/apt/sources.list to change to the new 
> version.
> Then "apt-get update"
> Then "apt-get dist-upgrade"
> If you advance by one, it should go pretty smooth.  If you wait, 
> and are several behind, it is more likely that something will 
> require more attention.
> You should be doing "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" 
> regularly anyway to catch security fixes, even if you don't 
> change /etc/apt/sources.list.
> It is so easy to keep up to date that it doesn't make sense to 
> keep using the old one.
> I can understand the fear ...  This easy update is not so easy 
> with older systems, and even with some new ones.
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