On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 09:44 -0500, Stuart Brorson wrote:

> If there is a swell of popular demand, then we can communicate
> privately about getting a git repo set up.

No urgency, as if needs be, we can track CVS, like Peter B does with PCB
from time to time (and did with gEDA before the switch).

Any "demand" to switch coming from my direction would only really come
if I had time to help work on the "why is cairo slower" issue, and even
that could be done via tracking CVS.

Unfortunately, I think the cairo issue may boil down to waiting for /
providing a faster rasterizer in cairo, their current software
implementation is known to be slower than many others out there.

Even if such a beast were to materialise tomorrow, we'd still not find
users with it - so would have to consider getting users to specifically
install a new / patched version somewhere for gEDA to use.

Peter C.

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