Hi Peter,

On Mon, 2007-12-03 at 02:39 +0000, Peter Clifton wrote:
> I do have the urge (but not time) to find some 3D models for components.

I do happen to have made some 400+ 3D models of components with Autocad
for the purpose of just being able to check on height dimensions, the
models can be exported as SAT files (or maybe VRML) if you will have
them, and if this is a usable format on *nix.

I don't know if gerbv is the way to go 3D.

IMHO, it's just a 2D derivative of a pcb file.

I think the *knowledge* should be implemented as early in the design
process as economically possible, and where applicable.

In this regard it would have to be pcb as gschem has no knowledge of
geometry (I don't feel the urge to draw vias in geschem).

Maybe one has to add a height parameter in the footprints, implemented
as an attribute, as not to break the current file format.

It would the be relative easy to extrude a courtyard outline (width = 0)
to the given height, resulting in cubes and cylinders of various height.

It would be to rough for eye-candy, and good enough for checking whether
stuff on a pcb fits in a casing of some sort.

> > So, how fast could you hook pcb to blender?  (Just kidding, sort of...)
> I've not used blender.. doing this properly as a 3D model is going to be
> a lot more work than a quick trick to use OpenGL for rendering the image
> of the board.

Now that would be an exporter for pcb ;-)

And a heck of a dependency for the average user.

Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.

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