Is tragesym still the thing to use to easily make symbols from text
I have seen lots of web discussions of it but I didn't see it on, and there appears to also be gmk_sym
I haven't looked at).  Also, I notice that when I do 

     gschem symbol_from_tragesym.sym

I get a message like:

     Read an old format sym/sch file!

and then a bunch of message like:

     Found a pin which did not have the whichone field set.
     Verify and correct manully.
     Found a pin which did not have the whichone field set.
     Verify and correct manully.

Running gsymupdate symbold_from_tragesym.sym seemed to fix the problem
(gschem didn't complain when I ran it on the updated file), but not
before issuing the following misleading output:

     rhino$ gsymupdate CD4066BC.sym
     gEDA/gsymupdate version 0.2
     gEDA/gsymupdate comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; see COPYING for
     more details
     This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under
     conditions; please see the COPYING file for more details.

     gsymUpdating: CD4066BC.sym (backup: CD4066BC.sym.old)
     Invalid path [./symbols] passed to component-library
     Found a pin which did not have the whichone field set.
     Verify and correct manually.
     Found a pin which did not have the whichone field set.
     Verify and correct manually.

     Invalid path [./symbols] passed to component-library

It seems to be saying you have to fix something manually, but then the
problem seems to
go away.

Could someone enlighten me on the current state of things?

Also, somewhere in the gEDA documentation I read that you have to create
symbols by hand
to go with your hierarchical designs, and solicited for scripts.  I
wrote the tiny little
hack that is attached, it seems to work for me (generated correct rats


Attachment: symbolize.perl
Description: Perl program

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