is starting a low volume assembly business and they are 
software to deal with relating solder paste dots and pick and place centroids to
gerber output that made the boards they are assembling.

Could gerbv be modified to generate lists of pads after finding where silk 
outline intersects
or encloses soldermask openings?

Where silk outline intersects or encloses soldermask openings seems to me to be
the minimal description of recognizing a footprint.

They won't have anything but gerbers from most customers.
That means there is no netlist associated, no pin 1 defined, only a mark on one 
corner of the silk outline
that you have to "see" somehow.

I can see a program that uses top copper
and top silk and top soldermask and no others.

to do list for centroid program:
1.  Uses silk and soldermask to mostly identify which SMT pads are a group
2.  Figures out the orientation. (Has to come from silk -- varies from 
footprint to footprint,
         and varies from customer to customer.)  This is the hard part.
         the circuit pin numbers and orientation is gone when in gerber format.
         Not sure how to do.

3.    Update the XY centroid list to also have a footprint name associated.
4.     creates list of footprint XY pad centers relative to the centroid for 
same footprint.
5.    Uses rules to change some rows of centers, (paste dots), to offset lines 
of paste.
5.      creates a footprint drawing for each one found with exact pad shapes, 
orientation, but no silk outline.
        Would this be in gerber?  What would help to do fuzzy comparisons?


John Griessen
Ecosensory   Austin TX
tinyOS devel on:  ubuntu Linux;   tinyOS v2.0.2;   telosb ecosens1

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