DJ Delorie wrote:
>> One of the things I intend to produce for my own use is a reference for
>> the PCB<->HID interface - and that's one of the things I'll be happy to
>> feed back for others' use.  If desired, that is, which it sounds as
>> though it is.
> src/hid.h is supposed to be self-documenting.  If you want to enhance
> the comments therein, please do so.  Again, patches welcome :-)

I'd use and appreciate any documentation that you can add.  I've done a 
couple of personal hacks to the postscript hid that are not patch-worthy 
(or of general interest).  I have my own esoteric hid plans that I want 
to attack some day, so additional doc is always goodness.

Also, as mentioned the gtk hid doesn't get as much active maintenance as 
the lesstif hid.  If I had more time I might I might take a peek at 
refreshing that as well -- although at the moment I have commitments to 
other projects.


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