On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 1:27 AM, Sean D'Epagnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I have a connector which is a standard footprint, but I want to have text 
> next to each pin saying what it is for.  I did this fine by adding text to 
> the layout, but I have to be careful to select all of the text objects as 
> well as the connector when moving it, and I have to redo it for each layout.
>  I tried to make a footprint, so first I place the connector, then break it 
> up, then add text, then select all the parts I want and put it in the buffer, 
> but when I try to "Convert buffer to element" it simply removes the text 
> objects and converts the rest.
>  I know if I have to I can use lines to draw the text, but this is pretty 
> tedious.  Is this a bug, or am I doing it wrong?

It could be scripted. You could do a configuration file with pin
labels and have the script place the
labels using the connector pin positions, an offset and a rotation.

(* jcl *)


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