On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 10:56:57AM -0700, Larry Doolittle wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 04, 2008 at 06:41:25PM +0100, Peter TB Brett wrote:
> > On Wednesday 04 June 2008 17:30:11 Larry Doolittle wrote:
> > >
> > > Churn in file formats and user interface.  I know other people
> > > label this as progress, but it does keep me from advocating gEDA
> > > for non-hackers.
> > 
> > I can only assume you're talking about PCB.
> Yes, PCB and xcircuit.  I haven't used gschem.

When I've made changes to PCB I've tried to achived backward AND forward
compatibility.  However, it's important to note that part of what makes
that possible is that much of the "state" of the board is computed
dynamically.  So you can't, for example, load a board into a new PCB that
clears your poly correctly, and then save it and expect the good poly to
appear in older versions.  Your exported output (eg gerber) is dependent
on both your board and the PCB version you export from.  If you use an
older OR newer PCB you might get different results.  Hopefully with a
newer version it will be better results...

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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