On Wed, 2008-06-04 at 09:55 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> I am curious, just how heterogeneous the group of geda users and 
> developers is. So I thought, I'd start this little non-random sample poll 
> in the mailing list:
> * What OS do you run geda applications on?
linux  suse 9.3 and suse 10.3

> * How did you install your copy of geda apps?

build from source

> * Which apps do you use. What is your typical workflow?

gschem (lightly modified) -> custom netlister -> pcb or pads

> * Did you (have to) modify portions of geda to suit your needs?

Yes heavy modifications to libgeda and gnetlist

> * What is the general flavor of your projects? (analog, digital, HF)

analog, digital, HF   both ridged and flex circuits

> * (add your favorite question here)

How about a comment. I use geda on a daily basis. I have a version of
hierarchical buses working. I have support for generating altera
specific files (used by altera for pin definitions i think). I am now
working on transporting projects back and forth between the pads ascii
format and the pcb format. This might be of interest to fab shops
wishing for part locations to be at the center of the part.  If we solve
the problem for pcb and can import a pads project correct the centroids
in pcb and re-export the project back to pads. Also, one fab shop needs
the ascii format for their flying probe tester. 

> ---<(kaimartin)>---

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