Peter Todd wrote:
>>> That said, placement for instance is a big pain in PCB. Often I need to
>>> have stuff placed exactly, like the positions of LEDs, and having some
>>> more CAD like features rather than just the grid would be really helpful
>>> at times.
>>    I agree with this.  In AutoCAD in particular, one can specify the 
>> exact coordinates of an object by typing them.  I'd love to be able to 
>> do this easily within PCB.
> Given that PCB is used for 2d design I think essentially copying the
> main features of qcad, in terms of movement and drawing, would be a
> great start. Similarly a DXF to footprint/layout importer/exporter would
> be very useful.

   I've not used qcad...what main features do you mean?

   Also, DXF I/O would be a nice feature.  Is DXF reasonably 
well-documented?  (I'd assume so, but I don't like to assume..)


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL

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