
before I describe my problem let me preface it with the fact that I'm a newbie
to gEDA and not even a proper engineer so things that may seem obvious to you 
not neccessarily so for me :-)

I'm trying to design what is essentially a counter. I'm using the 4017 chip 
symbol has confused me a bit as the one I was looking at only counts up to 10,
not 12 [1]. The symbol (4017-1.sym) doesn't have any power pins so after a bit 
googling I just assumed that they were hidden. When I run it through "gnetlist 
drc2" I get the following errors in the drc output:

ERROR: Net 'VDD' is connected to only one pin: U2:16 .
ERROR: Net 'VSS' is connected to only one pin: U2:8 .

Checking pins without the 'pintype' attribute...
NOTE: Found pins without the 'pintype' attribute: U1:1 U1:4 U1:8 U1:7 U1:2 U1:6 
U1:5 U1:3 

I've tried many things to get its VDD to connect to the battery (i.e. I set
the battery's net attribute to "VDD", I set netname to "VDD", I added the
vdd symbol and changed its netname to "VDD" etc.) but nothing has worked.
I went through old posts in the list but I'm quite confused now as to 
what is the difference between the "net" and "netname" and why "VDD" is
any different from "VCC" (it's just a name now but it used to be an 
important distinction in the past if I'm getting this right).

Again, I apologize if this post seems completely uneducated - please
point me to any relevant reading material if I have missed it. 

I'm attaching my .sch.

Thanks for your time,

[1] http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/ds/2029/hcf4017.htm

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