The symbol 4017 uses embedded power nets. Here is the netlist I get from
your schematic

<>VDD    U2-16
VSS    U2-8
unnamed_net16    U2-3
unnamed_net15    U2-2
unnamed_net14    U2-4
unnamed_net13    U2-7
unnamed_net12    U2-10
unnamed_net11    U2-1
unnamed_net10    U2-5
unnamed_net9    U2-6
unnamed_net8    U2-9
unnamed_net7    U2-11
unnamed_net6    U2-12
unnamed_net5    U2-13
unnamed_net4    U2-15
GND    B1-2 C1-1 C2-2 U1-1
Vcc    B1-1 U1-4 U1-8 R2-2 U1-7
unnamed_net3    C1-2 U1-2 R2-1 U1-6
unnamed_net2    C2-1 U1-5
unnamed_net1    U2-14 U1-3

if look at the symbol 4017 you will see the lines ---

T 2000 1350 5 10 0 0 0 0 1
T 2000 1550 5 10 0 0 0 0 1

There is no other component connected to VSS and VDD which is why
you get this error. I would create a 4017 symbol with power pins and use
nets to connect the pins to the power supply.

Search the email list for hidden power and embedded nets for discussions
on this issue.

(* jcl *)


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