On Fri, 04 Jul 2008 18:37:51 +0200
Johannes Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello list,
> I'm a total gEDA newbie and am pretty amazed about what is possible 
> already. Still, I'm currently having some problems which probably are 
> extremely easy to solve for some of you - most of them are only about 
> usability. Currently I'm just designing with gschem, maybe do some PCBs 
> later. So here are my questions, all about gschem:
> 1. How can I highlight a complete net in gschem? I have mostly stuff 
> like http://bildrian.de/n/b/c3c0ce767ca5d198.png this - when I want to 
> find out where exactly PA2 goes, I have to manually follow each piece
> of network, which is kind of annoying.

According to 
it's not yet possible

> 2. I love the keyboard shortcuts, they make design really efficient
> when you got used to. One thing that annoys me, however, is that nets
> are started with "n", but when you're finished, you have to hit
> "Escape". This is a long way from the "n". Can I remap it so that
> finishing networks can be done with, say "b"?

Right click will stop the current net, and left-click will restart the
net (i.e. gschem remains in 'net' mode)

> 3. When drawing nets, is it possible to just undo the last click while 
> staying in network drawing mode? I currently always hit "Escape", then 
> mark the net, move the misplaced vertex, then again hit "n".

Ctrl-Z undoes the last 'leg' of the net
> 4. When moving vertecies which are connected to two networks (e.g. a 
> corner somewhere), how can it be done that *both* endpoints of the net 
> in question are moved? Currently when I move a point it first moves the 
> vertex from the first part, disconnecting the network. Then I have to 
> manually also pull the second one there.

If you drag the center (not the endpoints) of a segment, it'll move
entirely (remaining connected to the net). I'm not sure what you mean...

> Any help appreciated,
> Thanks,
> Johannes


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