Hi Johannes,

On Dienstag, 8. Juli 2008, Johannes Bauer wrote:
> Werner Hoch schrieb:
> > I've just rebased the branch at repo.or.cz:
> > http://repo.or.cz/w/geda-gaf/werner.git?a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/net
> >selection2
> I've managed to check out the git repo, compiled it, but there
> doesn't seem to be the patch included. This is supposedly because of
> my pathetically marginal git knowledge. How do I check out that
> netselection2 patch?

There are some notes in the geda wiki about how to use git:

Basicly you should clone the official geda repo first:
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gaf.git

Then fetch the single branch "netselection2" from my geda repository at 
repo.or.cz. You can fetch it into a local branch of your local geda 
git fetch git://repo.or.cz/geda-gaf/werner.git netselection2:test_select

After that you should have a lokal branch with the name test_select.
Checkout the branch with:
git checkout test_select

Now you should be able to compile the new code and play with it.

Note: Using one of the git tree viewers gitk or qgit will help you to 
understand the above steps.

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