On Jul 4, 2008, at 7:31 PM, Thomas D. Dean wrote:

> On Fri, 2008-07-04 at 13:28 -0600, John Doty wrote:
>> It wants:
>> libX11
>> libXext
>> libXt
>> libXmu
>> libXaw
>> and maybe
>> libSM
>> libICE
>> I forgot those (or perhaps their -dev packages) aren't installed by
>> default. Use synaptic or aptitude or something to install the missing
>> stuff (particularly the -dev packages). If anything else is missing,
>> the configure spew may help figure it out.
> Are there differences between the -dev (I assume development) and the
> regular libs?  In FreeBSD, -dev does not exist.

The regular packages contain the libraries themselves. The -dev  
packages contain the headers you need to compile against the  
libraries. The assumption is that ordinary users are going to install  
binaries, and only developers will compile. I think it's flawed: even  
if 99.9% of the time you install binaries, there will be the odd  
package you need that isn't in the distro, so even ordinary users  
will compile occasionally. It's not good to subject them to this  
problem, but this is the custom in the Linux world.

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John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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