On Friday 04 July 2008, John Doty wrote:
> The regular packages contain the libraries themselves. The
> -dev   packages contain the headers you need to compile
> against the libraries. The assumption is that ordinary users
> are going to install binaries, and only developers will
> compile. I think it's flawed: even if 99.9% of the time you
> install binaries, there will be the odd package you need that
> isn't in the distro, so even ordinary users will compile
> occasionally. It's not good to subject them to this problem,
> but this is the custom in the Linux world.

There are also some programs that use a compiler at run time to 
compile user code for faster execution or extensions.  Icarus 
Verilog is one of these.  Recent snapshots of gnucap also fall 
in this category, as do most of the better professonal circuit 
simulators such as Spectre.

If you explicitly install a library, you should install the -dev 
version.  The non-dev versions are for automatic installation 
by the package manager when a compiled program needs them.

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