Paul Tan wrote:

> On Tue, 08 Jul 2008 13:07:26 -0400, al davis wrote:
>> I prefer to interact with the simulator directly.  Most people
>> who interact through menus or only the schematic are light
>> users.
> I think "Schematic Driven" is the way to go.

Schematic driven simulation is practical for homeworks, but it doesn't 

It the mid 1980's, I was working on a system where we typically printed 
the schematics to microfiche to save space.  Of course, we had two full 
sets of B-size prints for the check-out floor.   Each set had two 
five-foot long wheeled carts to hold all the hanging binders full of 
schematics.  No way would "schematic level simulation" have been even 
remotely practical.

That was the last CPU I worked on where a full set of schematics was 
even printed out -- it's just not practical any more.  Note that was 
over 20 years ago.

Of course, we're talking about SPICE here, and nobody would do a SPICE 
simulation that large, but I still believe the scalability issue applies.

I realize most gEDA users are not doing systems of the scale I mentioned 
above.  But it is all too common for posters on this list to dismiss 
scalability issues just because it doesn't apply to what they happen to 
be working on.


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