kind of.  Think of it more as something like glade, i.e. a gui based 
code generator.  I guess I'd distinguish this from a macro in that I 
think of the macro as recording something like

pick_menu simulation_setup
fill_entry tran_start 0.0
fill_entry tran_stop 1.0
click_button OK
pick_menu simulation_setup
fillentry tran_stop 1.0u
click_button OK

i.e. it records exactly what you did which I probably don't care so much 
about.  But this is a symantics issue that probably isn't that important 
  as long as the result is a program that can run the simulation without 
out lots of gui commmands in it.

Steven Michalske wrote:
> I read this as record a macro, and save that macro to file.
> Steve
> On Jul 9, 2008, at 5:27 PM, Dan McMahill wrote:
>> al davis wrote:
>>> If you can make the gEDA/PCB/gnucap combination work well enough
>>> that 100% schematic driven gives you all the functionality of a
>>> command line, you have my complete support.  If you can just
>>> make it do beginner tasks well, without holding them back, you
>>> have my complete support.
>> What can be really useful is for the gui driven setup to have a menu
>> choice that says "give the the script to do what I just did".  That  
>> sort
>> of functionality can be a huge benefit when learning to use whatever
>> scripting/programming capability might be available for a simulation
>> environment or simulator.  Now you somewhat have the best of both
>> worlds.  The gui doesn't provide the only interface so you're not
>> limited by gui sorts of constraints but it is there to help you with
>> simple things and for getting you started on the more complicated  
>> things.
>> -Dan
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