I need some help with a high-voltage power supply.  It must provide 1200
volts from two D cells.  The general design is an oscillator chops up the
DC, feeds it to an audio transformer, and then on to a diode-capacitor
ladder.  There also needs to be a point on the ladder that provides 920
volts.  I can't seem to get anywhere with Spice on figuring out the right
values.  Can someone point me to a tested schematic that meets my needs?
Or how about a resource on just how to go about designing this sort of
power supply?

I have a schematic that will do 920V from a 9V battery, but it suffers
from high drain if pushed to go to 1200.  It uses a bog-standard XICON
42TM114-RC (15:1 with center taps).  The schematic is here:

David Griffith

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