Willem Granjé wrote:

>Dear All,

>I've made some custom symbols and I'm troubled by the color of attributes:

>when I take a stock symbol to start with, the color of the attributes
>is yellow, when I add some new attributes they are shown in red, why?

>when I place the new symbol in a project and hit 'en': a newly added
>footprint shows yellow but a newly added description is in red like in
>the symbol, why?

I noticed the same problem when I started with gEDA two years ago.
Can not remember details: There is a color scheme described in gschem
documentation, when creating new symbols from scratch default colors of
attributes differ from existing symbols. I was confused -- I think I ask
on this list but got no reply.

My solution: All my symbols are based on tragesym symbol creator. That
Python script of W. Hoch gives good symbols with all necessary
attributes (in right color, size, orientation) which only needs some
fine-tuning by gschem. (If two symbols are very similar, I make just a
copy of the first one created by tragesym and modify it in gschem.)

(Of course gschem really should use the right color when inserting new

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