On Jul 25, 2008, at 10:35 AM, Stefan Salewski wrote:

> John Doty wrote:
>> Changing the color does not attach it.
> Yes, this is what I expected.
>> And symbol attributes that aren't associated with a particular pin
>> generally should not be attached within the symbol.
> Sorry, this again confuses me.
> Attributes attached to pins like "pinnumber" are yellow -- OK.
> "footprint" or "comment" (inside a symbol definition) are yellow --  
> this
> should indicate that they are attached to the symbol?

I recall that historically gschem did not do the kind of automatic  
color assignments it now does. So yellow just indicates that the  
symbol author chose yellow.

> "refdes" is red, so it is not attached?

Refdes is red, so it is red. Whether it is attached is a different  
issue. A modern gschem will choose the color appropriately when you  
create the attribute, and change it appropriately when the  
attribute's status changes, but it will not otherwise override the  
color specified in an existing schematic or symbol file.

> I think I read all available documentation about
> attached/unattached/promoted symbols two years ago carefully, but I  
> was
> not able to really understand it.
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John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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