On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 14:48 -0700, Kingston Co. wrote:

> Also, you can fix this by editing your *.pcb file manually and adding
> the "clearline" flag to all your lines.
> >
> (And you had every trace selected at the time you ran the command?)
> Yes on both Computers!
> Both Systems do the same thing.

I just had a 'doh' moment. There are two very similar behaviours which
you might be seeing.

The one we've been directing you to correct, is where tracks on the
board are set to join with the polygon. Pins on elements should still
clear the polygon.

The second, is where the polygon blindly joins with everything,
including pins. Try mousing over the polygon and hitting "s", see if
that clears the behaviour?

If not, send one of the devs. (DJ/Dan/Ben/myself) a copy of the board
file by private email, and we'll have a poke at whats going on. You
don't need to send the whole design, just enuogh so we can see an
example of the symptom (you could make a copy and delete off most of the
actual layout if that is priveledged.).

Best wishes,

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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