John Doty wrote:
> On Oct 21, 2008, at 10:10 AM, Joerg wrote:
>> Personally I think this super-duper-quality requirement for scientific
>> papers is overblown. I use 300dpi PNG format almost exclusively in my
>> business docs and some of those go straight to the board room. Even  
>> with
>> 20:20 vision you can't see any difference to professionally printed  
>> stuff.
> Different culture. Dense text, small print, and tiny graphics are  
> normal in scientific publication. I just grabbed a conference  
> proceedings volume at random from the shelf, and in seconds found a  
> page (14 by 22 cm) with nine separate plots of data from 19  
> independent data cuts. I'd need a magnifier to see all the details.  
> Pretty common. High page charges and/or page limits dictate form, and  
> historically reference libraries didn't want to keep lots of low  
> resolution paper (but now they're getting rid of paper, and  
> physically disappearing).

Yep. I did a few and they always told me "You've got x pages. If you go 
over that you'll have to pay and it'll be lots of money". BTW, I did all 
of them without LaTex or any other high-faluting power software ...

> But in business, tiny graphics and fine print signal "you aren't  
> expected to read this" ;-)

In politics or committee meetings that would be "You can try to read 
this but better not ask any questions about it" :-)

Regards, Joerg

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