On Tuesday 21 October 2008 18:45:29 Joerg wrote:
> John Doty wrote:
> > Different culture. Dense text, small print, and tiny graphics are
> > normal in scientific publication. I just grabbed a conference
> > proceedings volume at random from the shelf, and in seconds found a
> > page (14 by 22 cm) with nine separate plots of data from 19
> > independent data cuts. I'd need a magnifier to see all the details.
> > Pretty common. High page charges and/or page limits dictate form, and
> > historically reference libraries didn't want to keep lots of low
> > resolution paper (but now they're getting rid of paper, and
> > physically disappearing).
> Yep. I did a few and they always told me "You've got x pages. If you go
> over that you'll have to pay and it'll be lots of money". BTW, I did all
> of them without LaTex or any other high-faluting power software ...

This is getting really heavily off-topic now. Yes, some people like vector 
graphics for document preparation, some prefer bitmaps. We could debate the 
relative merits all day, but there seems little point in doing so on this 
mailing list!

The fact that gschem's PNG export isn't ideal has been noted, and some 
workarounds suggested. Flogging a dead horse won't make it run faster!


Peter Brett

Electronic Systems Engineer
Integral Informatics Ltd

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