On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 08:23:18AM +0100, Bert Timmerman wrote:
> There is an other issue: there are probably a zillion garbage lines in
> 'our" PCBs out there, the tiny lines nobody noticed.
> That is in for a cleanup solution (a plug-in...

A plugin that removes the tiny lines (matching some pattern) is easy.
It's somewhat harder to ensure that they're electrically moot.

> If I understood the solution below correctly, this only addresses the
> case to prevent any future wrongful doings at the creation time of
> traces.
> > 2)  Change the line removal code to check both endpoints for tiny
> > segments and delete them.

Well, solution (2) leaves the garbage around until you might see it.  I
suppose if you don't use rubberband mode you could uncover the spots
by moving instead of deleting.

Ben Jackson AD7GD

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