On Sat, 2009-01-03 at 02:48 -0500, der Mouse wrote:
> >   - Closed source OS rubs some folks the wrong way - even when they
> > provide free development tools & documentation for coding on top of
> > the OS, not having access to the guts is annoying.
> It actually can be anywhere from irrelevant to intolerable, depending
> on what you're trying to do.  For me, "crippling" is usually about the
> right level.

Seen in other people's quote files, to my immense pleasure and

        Life is too short to run proprietary software. -- Bdale Garbee

I've taken to calling it 'secret source software' in recent years.

To help keep this on topic for the list, details of my current gEDA
project are at altusmetrum.org


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