>> I just can't say enough good things about my Mackbook Pro.  [...]
> I've been happy with Apple laptops for a few years now.  [...]

To offer a slight counterweight to the Apple gushiness...I wouldn't.  I
once had an Apple laptop for a week or so, and I wouldn't recommend
them unless you find closed-source system acceptable - I don't, and I
found that most of the Apple benefits go away then (for example, that
means dumping Aqua, the Apple UI - it's not a UI I could stand for
extended use, but it's usually cited as one of Apple's advantages), and
the ones that remain don't outweigh the price.

Even if you _do_ find closed-source acceptable (most people seem to),
prepare yourself for having to relearn most of your sysadmin skills.
I've worked as a Unix sysadmin for most of my career, and the Apple OS
(some flavour of OS X, I believe it was) was at least as different from
other Unix flavours as the more unusual of my experience - think AIX,
only more so and in a different direction.  For example, it took
something like half an hour (and some lucky guesses - with twenty
years' experience guiding them) before I figured out how to boot the
machine single-user, and probably another half-hour or so before I
figured out what I needed to poke to get the result I wanted.  (Times
approximate; this was quite a while ago and I no longer recall details.)

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