>   Sources from git, 20081221 (1.5.1)...I've been fighting with this
> for a couple of hours; I must be missing something really stupid, but
> it is driving me batty:
> checking for pkg-config... /bin/pkg-config
> ./configure: line 21589: syntax error near unexpected token `GUILE,'
> ./configure: line 21589: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GUILE, guile-1.8,
> GUILE_PC="yes", no_GUILE_PC="yes")'
> make: *** [libgeda/config.h] Error 2
>   The platform is Solaris 10 on UltraSPARC-III+, current release of
> libtool, autoconf, etc etc., guile v1.8.6.  WTF?  Anyone have any
> idea what's broken?

It looks like you are missing the pkg.m4 file.  This is a file full of
m4 macros which are expanded by aclocal (one of the autotools) while
creating "configure".  On my system it is in


If you have this file, make sure that your auto* stuff is finding it.
You may need to modify your autotools search path.  Here's more
(possibly useful) info:




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