On Jan 4, 2009, at 8:03 PM, Stuart Brorson wrote:
>>   Sources from git, 20081221 (1.5.1)...I've been fighting with this
>> for a couple of hours; I must be missing something really stupid, but
>> it is driving me batty:
>> checking for pkg-config... /bin/pkg-config
>> ./configure: line 21589: syntax error near unexpected token `GUILE,'
>> ./configure: line 21589: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GUILE, guile-1.8,
>> GUILE_PC="yes", no_GUILE_PC="yes")'
>> make: *** [libgeda/config.h] Error 2
>>   The platform is Solaris 10 on UltraSPARC-III+, current release of
>> libtool, autoconf, etc etc., guile v1.8.6.  WTF?  Anyone have any
>> idea what's broken?
> It looks like you are missing the pkg.m4 file.  This is a file full of
> m4 macros which are expanded by aclocal (one of the autotools) while
> creating "configure".  On my system it is in
> /usr/share/aclocal/pkg.m4

   Crap, I have no such file.  How in blazes do I not have that file??

   Oh.  The instance of pkg-config on that machine is the ancient one  
distributed with Solaris.  I HATE HATE HATE when commercial OSs  
bundle free software, because it's always ancient.

   I've just built a new pkg-config, and now I have pkg.m4 along with  
my other m4 files.  Thanks for the pointer.  I'm starting a fresh gaf  
compile now.


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL

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