On Jan 6, 2009, at 10:33 PM, John Doty wrote:
>>>>    A perfectly good approach, of course.  I'm in a situation,
>>>> though,
>>>> in which the network is *never* unavailable, for other reasons,
>>>> and I
>>>> am a big fan of centralized storage and decentralized processing.
>>>> That is the standpoint from which I speak.
>>> I'm still not clear what you're asserting here. The project symbol
>>> directory approach works fine in a "centralized storage and
>>> decentralized processing" environment. Been there, done that, with
>>> Viewlogic instead of gEDA, but the issues are the same.
>>    Centralized on the *network*, not on a single system.  I edit
>> schematics on many different systems, depending on where I'm working.
> Yes, I understand that. At the MIT Center for Space Research we had
> hundreds of systems networked via NFS, and that's where I used this
> approach with Viewlogic.
> It doesn't matter whether you centralize with CVS or Subversion,
> centralize with NFS, decentralize with git, or just develop on a
> single machine. The project symbol directory approach works well in
> *all* of these cases.
> So I still don't understand what you are attempting to assert.

   I'm attempting to assert that, if it were present, I'd happily use  
the ability to specify a list of network locations, URL-style, from  
which to pull symbol libraries in real-time in the symbol selection  
dialog.  That is all.

   Your opinion on the usefulness or wisdom of this may vary. :-)


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL

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