> DJ is.... um..... unique?

"That crazy guy who does XYZ at home."

I'm the guy who does 4 layer boards at home.

I'm the guy who does 6/6 rules at home.  I think I can do 4/4 but not

I'm the guy who does 01005 parts at home. (not by choice any more)

I'm the guy with the six-cpu furnace controller.

I'm the guy with the alarm clock with an ethernet jack on the back.

Unique is probably an understatement.

My wife and I were discussing driveway monitors for the house.  I
suggested a receiver that sat in the basement and connected to
speakers throughout the house through the patch panel and went "beep
beep" whenever a car showed up.  She laughed, then said "it's
overkill, so it's probably appropriate for this house.  Everything
else around here is overkill."

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