Bob Paddock wrote:
>       I'm currently looking for some non-EDA related
>      software for something and high up on my priority list is that I
>      have
>      the ability to dump out my data (perhaps with some programming or
>      scripting effort on my part) into a format that I can get into a
>      different tool.  That bit alone is turning me off to several
>      commercial
>      tools.
>    Don't over look "Print" as a way to get data out.  I've gotten
>    data out of several "locked in" programs via using RedMon
>    as a printer driver:

in this case I'm looking for a good system for indexing digital photos. 
  So what I want to avoid is a proprietary database where I can't spit 
it all out in a way where I can switch tools later or just do something 


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